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February 16, 2022
In a news conference yesterday, February 15, provincial government leaders including the premier,
health minister and provincial health officer announced a timeline for easing of provincial pandemic
restrictions. The full details can be found at
Enclosed please find the updated diocesan guidance and protocols related to the same.
With the provincial transition to a long-term COVID-19 management strategy, and in consultation with
the diocesan COVID-19 task force, I am pleased to announce that we are now in a position, based on
the best available public health advice, to lift some of our restrictions for church-related events,
including worship, social gatherings and meetings.
We recognize there may be some communities and individuals that do not feel comfortable returning
to in-person gatherings. The pace of the return to full capacity will be at the discretion of parish
leadership, if the provincial and diocesan requirements are met. Whatever decision is made, I
encourage parishes, as they are able, to continue to use online tools to extend pastoral care and access
to the liturgical rites and programs of the church.
This is a time to give thanks. I am grateful to all Anglicans of these islands and inlets for all that you
have done, and the sacrifices you have made, over the last two years to keep each other and your
neighbours safe. We have done remarkably well and have shown considerable resilience and creativity
under very difficult circumstances.
At the same time, our personal and collective suffering and loss has been significant. Too many have
died. The inequities of our society have been laid bare, with a disproportionate number of deaths
being racialized people and those living in long-term care.
We will soon begin the season of Lent, a season of self-reflection, penitence and prayer. This Lenten
season let us consider ways to acknowledge the grief and trauma we have collectively experienced and
work together to build a more just and equitable society, in which all God’s children are safe and
healthy. Our God is a God of resurrection and new beginnings.
In Easter hope,