At a future date yet to be determined, we will start with our new service pattern – it is possible there will be some changes, depending on how the Covid situation unfolds. 

1st Sunday: 8.30 Traditional 1962 HC

10.30 BAS HC

1st Wednesday: 10am BAS HC (informal ‘in the round’)

2nd Sunday: 8.30: Trad 1962 HC

10.30: Islands and Inlets HC

3rd Sunday: 8.30: Trad Morning Prayer

10.30: BAS HC

4th Sunday: 8.30: Trad 1962 HC

10.30: All Age service (may or may not be a HC service – creative, inclusive)

Last Saturday of the month. 6pm: Informal loosely ‘church’ format service aimed at the community with a provided meal – to begin October 30th.

5th Sunday: Iona / Celtic HC; guest preachers