Weekly 6: Christopher & Hennie Aikman, Marjorie Aitken, Paula Aldersey, Ruth Allen, Gerry & Shirley Anderson, and Nicole Attinson


In the Anglican cycle of prayer The fifth Sunday in Lent, is the focus of the Primates' Task Group's call for a period of prayer and repentance in the Anglican Communion. The Bishop of West Malaysia, Moon Hing, is a member of the Task Group and has written this prayer, which the Task Group offers to the Anglican Communion to use today:


Almighty God, 

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Sovereign Lord of the universe, Creator of humankind, 

we, your unfaithful children, are truly sorry for our sins and the lives that we have lived.

We sincerely believe and confess in our hearts that only through the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary, can we obtain Your forgiveness. 

We repent that:

    In thought, word or deed, we have committed serious offences against You and our neighbours;

    In laziness, despair and lust for power, we have provoked hatred, division and hurt within our communities;

    In greed, deceit and indifference, we have caused serious damage, unnecessary conflict and aggravated destruction to our refugee and migrant brothers and sisters;

    In selfishness, insensitivity and bias, we have encouraged and emboldened those who inflict hurt, pain and sorrow on our loved ones and families;

    In the name of religion, doctrine and even of Christ himself, we have wounded believers and pursuers of holiness and faith;

    In stubbornness, pride and arrogance, we have caused division and strife within Your church and among Your children;


Mercifully send Your Holy Spirit - the Spirit of order and comfort - and cleanse us from all your unrighteousness; restore in us true faith in Christ which brings truth, peace and harmony; and help us to walk together with our brothers and sisters in the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of Your name.



In our Diocesan cycle of prayer We pray for Logan, our Bishop. We pray also for S. John the Baptist, South Cowichan - John Steele. Diocese of Caledonia - Bishop David Lehmann.

For our Partners in Mission We pray for Kell & Lori Frandsen of Grace Life Ministries taking the Gospel of God's grace to the people of India.

In the Comox Valley: We pray for Merville Mennonite Church, Pastor Nevin Zimmerman, and all who worship there, and at S. Peter’s:  We pray for Sulin, our Incumbent. As well, we pray and give thanks for Brenda O'Brien, as she organizes Sunday School.

Those in Particular Need: We pray for Tristiana, Jon, Jim, Graeme, Frank, Joy, Siv, Dodie, Dan, Caitlin, Jerry, Megan, Harry, Joshua, Charis, Marci, Kim, Elaine, Kaija, Bailey, Joan, Graham, Richard, Sion, Jean.

As Christians, we are called to pray for those in need (which includes all of us). Parishioners are invited to pray particularly for those listed above.