Volunteer signup -- thank you!
It's easy! It's fun! Your help is appreciated.

All role descriptions: 

  1. Greeter/Usher
  2. Music
  3. Sound board operator
  4. AV operator
  5. Reader
  6. Prayers (intercessions)
  7. Sacristan
  8. Chalice Bearer

1. The GREETER/USHER greets people as they enter, and helps them if necessary to their seat. After the service the usher will wipe the high-touch surfaces with the sanitizer provided in the vestry. A sheet of detailed instructions will be provided. Point of contact: Rev Sulin    

2. The MUSICIAN(S) will play quietly as people gather and as they leave. There can be no singing. Be prepared to play reflective music at other points of the service if necessary. For example, if it is Holy Communion, some music may be required as the host is distributed. INSTRUMENTS ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE KEYBOARD! Other instruments can be used, but wind instruments are discouraged. Point of contact: Rev Sulin    

3. The SOUNDBOARD OPERATOR The church sound board (or mixer) is an important part of how we use our church building. The soundboard balances the voices, instruments, and video sound through to the loud speakers and to hearing broadcast for those with hearing aids. The sound board operator controls what we hear by adjusting the volume of each microphone or instrument. This can be done on the soundboard itself or using a virtual board on an iPad.  The basic operation of the soundboard simply requires increasing or decreasing the volume of whoever is speaking or playing (and muting the microphone when not required), to make a comfortable listening experience. When our music groups sing the soundboard operator  ‘mixes’  the voices and instruments together to produce a balanced sound. Point of contact: Jonathan Hocking

4. The AV OPERATOR will arrive 15-20 minutes before the start of service. Turn on the projector and computer, open the day’s service and make sure it works. Press the clicker to advance the slides on the screen. At the end of the service turn off the projector and computer. Training and tutoring will be provided. Point of contact: Jim Peacock    

5. The READERS will be seated near the front of the church and will be provided with a microphone. They will usually read two readings, one OT, one NT, and must bring their own Bible or a print-out of the readings. You will be told which readings to prepare in advance so you can practice. Point of contact: Rev Sulin    

6. The INTERCESSOR (PRAYER) will be expected to either write intercessionary prayers or read from the binder of prepared prayers. Any written prayers should be suitable for worship. Training is being offered for those who are new to this ministry. Prayers will be delivered from a seat near the front and a microphone will be provided. Point of contact: Rev Sulin    

7. The SACRISTAN helps with the administration of the elements during Holy Communion. A sacristan is needed every Sunday at 8:30am except the third Sunday of each month. A sacristan is also needed every Sunday at 10:30am except the fourth Sunday of each month.

8. The CHALICE BEARER helps with the administration of the elements during Holy Communion. Chalice Bearer is needed every Sunday at 8:30am except the third Sunday of each month. A chalice bearer is also needed every Sunday at 10:30am except the fourth Sunday of each month.