Our 10am service monthly worship cycle is now established and is designed to give a breadth of expression of our thanksgiving to God using a variety of liturgies and Eucharistic prayers. The pattern is as follows:
1st Sunday of the month: Islands and Inlets Liturgy. 
This is a Celtic-style liturgy similar to those of Wales and the north of England, an ecological liturgy that grounds us in where we live, the distinctiveness of its landscape and its history. It increases the sense that God and place are part of a whole.
2nd Sunday of the month: BAS using Eucharistic Prayer 2.
This is an incarnational liturgy; Christ is the Living Word who took flesh and died for us. It grounds us in God's saving grace.
3rd Sunday of the month: All Age service.
This is a family friendly service designed to be accessible to all ages and is delivered in a more creative way. It grounds us as a real Family in Christ and nurtures the future of the church. 
4th Sunday of the month: BAS using Eucharistic Prayer 4.
This is a liturgy of cosmic dimensions, grounding us in the breadth of creation, from the far reaches of the universe to the intricacies of our human bodies.
5th Sundays: It has been suggested we think creatively on the few 5th Sundays through the year - watch this space.
I hope you are fed by this pattern of praise, which includes place, Incarnation, family and creation,  and that it encourages you into a depth of worship of our Father God
Sulin Milne