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Update Feb 20: 
February 19 was our first (official) youth forum, led by Freddie, St Peter's Youth Rep. Four young people were present and it was encouraging to hear their heart for the church and have some plans emerge from the discussion. More of their plans will be revealed in due course, and Freddie hopes that more of our teens to 25s will become involved as things go forward. It was raised that morning that emails going out to the Parish (such as my weekly letters, and the Parish Newsletter) don't always get passed on to the young people by their parents. This means they aren't so aware of what is going on in the Parish and the opportunities that are available to them to be involved in church life. If you have a young person in your family, I encourage you to share with them the information you receive from your church.
Feb 19th announcement: Hey all! I'm Freddie, St Peter's parish Youth Rep. Im 20 years old and Ive noticed there is a lack of connection between the young adult/older teen crowd in the parish. 
I'd like to invite you to join me and Rev Sulin at the church hall this Saturday at 11am. I would like to get to know you all and chat about life, the pandemic and anything else that's important to you.
For example
What has the pandemic been like for you?
What have you missed during the restrictions? 
How would we like to connect with each other?
How can the church serve you?
How can you serve your church?
Do you have anything you need prayer for?
I am also passionate about starting a youth Bible study. Would you like to come? What day or time?
Please come along to the church hall THIS Saturday (Feb 19th) at 11am. We can either chat there and we'll order in some treats, or if there are just a few of us we can go out to grab something.
Thank you, and I hope to hear back from you/see you on Saturday.

Contact Freddie for more information

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