St. Peter's has a lending library, housed in the church hall.

If you would like to borrow a book just call or email the office and let Mike know what book(s) you would like. We can hold them for you at the office or Leslie can deliver them to you!

You are welcome to browse our online catalog and read descriptions of the books: go to

Click the "Books" button near the top left as seen in this screenshot:

You can see we have 1032 books already catalogued, with more to come! You can use the other buttons in this area to view by covers, or to change the display method (which columns to show etc) - this defaults to "Member" but you can try A B C D or E styles.

You can click on the names at the top of each column to sort by, for example, title, ISBN, Dewey number, or author). See the screenshot below:

To search for a book in our library, use the search box near the top right that says "Search this library". It's easy to confuse this with the "Search site" area which will give you books from other people's libraries. See the screenshot below:

Other options are available using Librarything, including discussion groups. Feel free to explore! 

earlier posts:

During 2017 we added:

  • 28 adult non-fiction titles 
  • 6 adult fiction*** 4 DVDs
  • 11 children’s titles.

Many of these titles were donated by parishioners while others were purchased through the library budget. While we welcome donations, please remember that we cannot use every donation. What we don’t use will be passed on to others.

There are currently many books and DVDs in parishioners’ homes. Some have been out for a long time. IF YOU DON’T RETURN YOUR BOOK, NO ONE ELSE GETS TO READ IT!!

Watch for these NEW additions— ·        

  • To Be Where You Are. Jan Karon. (Mitford #14) [KAR] This latest novel in the Father Tim stories follows the 3 generations of Kavanaughs. ·        
  • Cloud Walker and Orca Chief. Roy Vickers. [J] 398.2 VIC. Two legends from the Tshimshian people. ·        
  • The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion. N.T. Wright. [232.96 WRI]
  • Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward. Nabeel Quereshi. [297.7 QUR] What really is jihad? What should our response be?

Use the form below to contact Leslie Lindsay, Librarian, for more information

Contact Leslie for more information

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