Reminder that donations to the Blessings Boutique must come to the Church House where they are sorted and processed before going on display in the BB - please don't leave donations in the hall. Donations left on the porch of the Church house will be taken in daily.

Want to help? Sort donations, welcome people into the BB, or help in the store! Contact Linda Hughes or Mike in the office.

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The Blessings Boutique is meant to be a blessing for all. It provides kitchen and housewares, clothing, bedding, and toiletries at no cost. Every item at the Blessings Boutique is free to anyone, regardless of their need, but any cash donations made by those who choose to do so will be graciously accepted. 

If you are in need of any of the items listed above please contact the office or visit the Boutique at 218 Church Street, in the hall, during its opening hours, Sundays after church and on Thursdays 9:30am-1:00pm.

To support this outreach program, please bring your donations of CLEAN, GOOD CONDITION items to the Church House (office hours preferred). We will accept almost anything USEFUL that is in good condition - please nothing purely decorative, broken or outmoded. These items are to bless others, so we want to GIVE GOOD like our FATHER GOD does!

Our aim with your donations is for zero waste. The Boutique aims to contribute to the environmental
challenge by providing a means to recycle perfectly good items which are no longer needed by their original owners. If you donate items that are outside the remit of the Blessings Boutique, or we feel may be better used elsewhere, we may redirect your donation to be used in another way. This might mean donations will be used as lots in our annual silent auction, they may be sold to help fund the costs of our outreach programs and ministries, or they may be donated to Thrift Stores.

Items will only be thrown away if broken, damaged, stained, outmoded or otherwise unusable.

If you prefer your donations not to be used in these ways, please let us know when you bring them into the office. We will then return to you any items the Blessings Boutique cannot use.

Would you like to help run the Boutique? Read the volunteer guide here then.... click here for the new signup page

Contact Linda at the Blessings Boutique

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