St. Peter's welcomes the help of anyone with gifts to share - that means everyone! We need volunteers to help during worship services, but also look for help in other areas - buildings and grounds maintenance, communications, hospitality, ministries (meeting the needs of parishioners) and outreach (to the community).

Volunteering is good for you:

  1. Volunteering connects you to others
  2. Volunteering is good for your mind and body
  3. Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life
  4. Volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger, and anxiety. ...
  5. Volunteering combats depression. ...
  6. Volunteering makes you happy. ...
  7. Volunteering increases self-confidence. ...
  8. Volunteering provides a sense of purpose. ...
  9. Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy.
  10. Volunteering [add your own benefit here!

Use the contact form below to offer your help.

Thank you for offering to volunteer with St.Peters! As you give to others, God gives to you. You can make a positive difference in the lives of others, and we rejoice that you want to do that! 
Here are some options that you might consider, but you are welcome to bring your own talents and ideas of how you can help serve, either for the congregation, or for the greater community. 
Please remember that your spiritual needs are also important - take part in our Bible studies, online devotionals, lending library, and resources for growing your faith. You might consider joining the Prayer chain, which prays regularly for those who need it. And of course, please join us in worship!
Here are some examples of ongoing volunteer opportunities:
  • keeping our Community Food Shelf stocked
  • making and serving beverages and snacks after worship services
  • postering to advertise our Bridging the Gap Food Bank (or other events)
  • greeting people as they enter for worship services
  • helping to maintain our heritage buildings
  • working at the Blessings Boutique
  • delivering food packages to those in need
  • reading scripture during worship services
  • caring for the church garden
  • working with the Green Team environmental committee
  • working with the communications committee to help get the word out about events
  • helping with special events throughout the year
  • helping with graphic design, copy editing, proofreading (computer skills)
  • helping with the audiovisual equipment during worship services or other events
  • helping with administrative functions like finance, office admin, scanning, etc
  • helping research, promote and liaise with one of our monthly Partners in Mission
This list is not exhaustive. We are always looking for fresh ways to be a force for good in the community, both inside and outside the church. There's always a new project on the go!
Not sure how to start? Contact the office. As a newcomer, getting into well-established church activities and meeting the people can be intimidating. We can have a little chat before you are introduced to other volunteers, a member of the Parish Council, or the Rector, someone who can meet with you, help answer any questions you have, help you discern what gifts you could share, and gently introduce you to the other very nice people who help St Peters maintain its important role in the community. 
We welcome people who identify as LGBTQ2IA+, women, people of colour, indigenous people, refugees, people with disabilities, people regardless of socioeconomic status, and people representing other marginalized groups.

I want to help

Indicate an area of interest or any talents you can share (don't be shy!)

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