Please note that PWRDF has been in contact with our counterparts on the Australian Board of Mission and Anglican Overseas Aid, both agencies of the Anglican Church of Australia and fellow members of the Anglican Alliance.  PWRDF announced on Friday a $5,000 solidarity grant to be given to the Anglican Board of Mission’s bushfire appeal, which has been set up to accept overseas donations. Please click on for details.


Those wishing to give to the Australian bushfire appeal, click on, then choose ‘Emergency Response’. Or, mail your cheque to PWRDF, 80 Hayden Street, 3rd floor, Toronto, M4Y 3G2 (indicating Australia appeal on the cheque) or call toll-free at 1-866-308-7973. Indicate your parish and diocese, and please do not leave credit card information on a voice mail. PWRDF will provide tax receipts later.


Because this is an emergency appeal, it is best to give directly to PWRDF in this way, since if you give through your parish your donation may not arrive in time.



   Geoff Strong

   PWRDF Diocesan Representative