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Faith Tides: April 2023 Issue
Faith Tides is the official publication of the Anglican diocese of Islands and Inlets. It is a space where people...
Holy Week event schedule
Mike Werth
Parish Council updates
M J Crouch and Rachel Reynolds presented a proposal for a project to assist seniors, particularly those caring for...
Mike Werth
March Update from our Buildings and Grounds Coordinator
Hello Friends, Due to the fact that our Hospitality Ministry is very busy we have purchased a new refrigerator for...
Mike Werth
Cursillo March 25
The congregation is invited to a pot-luck lunch in the Parish Hall at St John theDivine, 12 noon on Saturday 25...
Mike Werth
Partner in Mission
Our Partner in Mission for March and April is Loaves and Fishes. Here's a link to their facebook page and their...
Mike Werth
Coldest Night of the Year Update
Woohoo! Our team exceeded its fundraising goal of $3500! They did it in the cold, with love, for people in need....
Mike Werth
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