St Peter’s is a church community blessed with a large helping of creativity. Among other expressions of this has been the emergence of a new on-line publication – St Peter’s Review – a couple of issues have already been published.

This is an instrument to give all of us a chance to share our creative gifts – be they photography, writing, visual art or even directions to create a special culinary offering. They do not need to be directly related to our life of faith. They may reflect the beauty of creation and our community, the joys of friendship, adventures we have had or lessons learned that enhance faith or life lived to the full.

We hope to be able to publish this four times a year and to make it something that you would want to share with family and friends.

Please consider what you would wish to share. Items can be published with the author/artist named or anonymously. The deadline for the next issue is April 15. Please send your contributions on-line to or drop them off to Mike Werth at the church office.

For more information use the contact form below.

Contact Tony Reynolds for more information

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